Drag And Drop File Conversion
Walkthrough Enabling Drag and Drop on a User Control. This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a custom user control that can participate in drag and drop data transfer in Windows Presentation Foundation WPF. In this walkthrough, you will create a custom WPF User. How to Reduce PDF File Size. This wikiHow teaches you how to reduce the file size of a PDF document using Smallpdf. Preview on Mac, or Adobe Acrobat Pro. How to Use Google Spreadsheets. On June 6, 2006, Google released a spreadsheets product as a limited test to a small number of users. That limited test stuck around. This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a custom user control that can participate in draganddrop data transfer in Windows Presentation Foundation WPF. Control that represents a circle shape. You will implement functionality on the control to enable data transfer through drag and drop. For example, if you drag from one Circle control to another, the Fill color data is copied from the source Circle to the target. If you drag from a Circle control to a Text. Box, the string representation of the Fill color is copied to the Text. Box. You will also create a small application that contains two panel controls and a Text. PDF2Word_4.png' alt='Drag And Drop File Conversion' title='Drag And Drop File Conversion' />Box to test the drag and drop functionality. You will write code that enables the panels to process dropped Circle data, which will enable you to move or copy Circles from the Children collection of one panel to the other. This walkthrough illustrates the following tasks Create a custom user control. Enable the user control to be a drag source. Enable the user control to be a drop target. Enable a panel to receive data dropped from the user control. Prerequisites You need the following components to complete this walkthrough Creating the Application Project In this section, you will create the application infrastructure, which includes a main page with two panels and a Text. Box. To create the project. Create a new WPF Application project in Visual Basic or Visual C named Drag. Drop. Example. For more information, see How to Create a New WPF Application Project. Open Main. Window. Add the following markup between the opening and closing Grid tags. This markup creates the user interface for the test application. Grid. Column. Definitions. Untitled-6.png' alt='Drag And Drop File Conversion' title='Drag And Drop File Conversion' />Today were going to be creating a file uploader using HTML5 drag and drop, along with the file reader API and some PHP. Well also be using local storage to. Column. Definition. Column. Definition. Grid. Column. Definitions. Stack. Panel Grid. Column0. BackgroundBeige. Text. Box WidthAuto Margin2. Textgreen. Stack. Panel. lt Stack. Panel Grid. Column1. BackgroundBisque. Stack. Panel. Adding a New User Control to the Project In this section, you will add a new user control to the project. To add a new user control. On the Project menu, select Add User Control. In the Add New Item dialog box, change the name to Circle. Add. Circle. xaml and its code behind is added to the project. Open Circle. xaml. This file will contain the user interface elements of the user control. Add the following markup to the root Grid to create a simple user control that has a blue circle as its UI. Ellipse x Namecircle. UI. Height1. 00 Width1. FillBlue. Open Circle. Circle. xaml. vb. In C, add the following code after the default constructor to create a copy constructor. What Time Is The Texas Longhorn Football Game Today Programs. In Visual Basic, add the following code to create both a default constructor and a copy constructor. In order to allow the user control to be copied, you add a copy constructor method in the code behind file. In the simplified Circle user control, you will only copy the Fill and the size of the of the user control. CircleCircle c. Initialize. Component. UI. Height c. UI. Height. this. UI. Width c. circle. UI. Height. this. UI. Fill c. circle. UI. Fill. Public Sub New. This call is required by the designer. Initialize. Component. Public Sub NewBy. Val c As Circle. Initialize. Component. Me. circle. UI. Height c. UI. Height. Me. circle. UI. Width c. circle. UI. Height. Me. circle. UI. Fill c. circle. UI. Fill. To add the user control to the main window. Open Main. Window. Add the following XAML to the opening Window tag to create an XML namespace reference to the current application. Drag. Drop. Example. In the first Stack. Panel, add the following XAML to create two instances of the Circle user control in the first panel. Circle Margin2. Circle Margin2. The full XAML for the panel looks like the following. Stack. Panel Grid. Column0. BackgroundBeige. Text. Box WidthAuto Margin2. Textgreen. Circle Margin2. Circle Margin2. Stack. Panel. lt Stack. Panel Grid. Column1. BackgroundBisque. Stack. Panel. Implementing Drag Source Events in the User Control In this section, you will override the On. Mouse. Move method and initiate the drag and drop operation. If a drag is started a mouse button is pressed and the mouse is moved, you will package the data to be transferred into a Data. Object. In this case, the Circle control will package three data items a string representation of its Fill color, a double representation of its height, and a copy of itself. To initiate a drag and drop operation. Open Circle. xaml. Circle. xaml. vb. Add the following On. Mouse. Move override to provide class handling for the Mouse. Move event. protected override void On. Mouse. MoveMouse. Event. Args e. base. On. Mouse. Movee. Left. Button Mouse. Button. State. Pressed. Package the data. Data. Object data new Data. Object. data. Set. DataData. Formats. String. Format, circle. UI. Fill. To. String. Set. DataDouble, circle. UI. Height. data. Set. DataObject, this. Inititate the drag and drop operation. Drag. Drop. Do. Drag. Dropthis, data, Drag. Drop. Effects. Copy Drag. Drop. Effects. Move. Protected Overrides Sub On. Mouse. MoveBy. Val e As System. Windows. Input. Mouse. Event. Args. My. Base. On. Mouse. Movee. If e. Left. Button Mouse. Button. State. Pressed Then. Package the data. Dim data As New Data. Object. data. Set. DataData. Formats. String. Format, circle. UI. Fill. To. String. Set. DataDouble, circle. UI. Height. data. Set. DataObject, Me. Inititate the drag and drop operation. Drag. Drop. Do. Drag. DropMe, data, Drag. Drop. Effects. Copy Or Drag. Drop. Effects. Move. This On. Mouse. Move override performs the following tasks Checks whether the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse is moving. Packages the Circle data into a Data. Object. In this case, the Circle control packages three data items a string representation of its Fill color, a double representation of its height, and a copy of itself. Calls the static Drag. Drop. Do. Drag. Drop method to initiate the drag and drop operation. You pass the following three parameters to the Do. Drag. Drop method drag. Source A reference to this control. The Data. Object created in the previous code. Effects The allowed drag and drop operations, which are Copy or Move. Press F5 to build and run the application. Click one of the Circle controls and drag it over the panels, the other Circle, and the Text. Box. When dragging over the Text. Box, the cursor changes to indicate a move. While dragging a Circle over the Text. Box, press the CTRL key. Notice how the cursor changes to indicate a copy. Drag and drop a Circle onto the Text. Box. The string representation of the Circles fill color is appended to the Text. Box. By default, the cursor will change during a drag and drop operation to indicate what effect dropping the data will have. You can customize the feedback given to the user by handling the Give. Feedback event and setting a different cursor. To give feedback to the user. Open Circle. xaml. Circle. xaml. vb. Add the following On. Give. Feedback override to provide class handling for the Give. Feedback event. protected override void On. Give. FeedbackGive. Feedback. Event. Args e. On. Give. Feedbacke. These Effects values are set in the drop targets. Drag. Over event handler. Effects. Has. FlagDrag. Drop. Effects. Copy. Mouse. Set. CursorCursors. Cross. else if e.